pest control resources

How-to-Treat Guides
Looking for step-by-step instructions on how to treat any type of pest infestation? Our how-to guides are designed to walk you through any pest problem to help you exterminate like the pros.

Ant Control Guides
Battling ants around your home or business can be frustrating. But as with many things, a little bit of information goes a long way. Our complete ant control guides help you develop a strategic approach to ant control.

Insect News & Info
News, information, articles, statistics, and advice on all things pest related. Our posts are designed to help pest professionals and do-it-yourself pest controllers make well-informed pest control decisions.

Bed Bug Guides 2021
Tackling bed bugs without knowing their habits and behaviors is likely to lead to discouragement. Our complete bed bug guide makes sure you are equipped with the information you need to treat like the pros.

All-Natural Pest Control Guides
Looking for "less" toxic options to pest prevention? Our all-natural pest control guides look into the pros and cons of all-natural pest control products and treatment approaches to help you succeed.

Pest Control Video Guides
Pest Control Everything's collection of video guides makes it easy to view information directly applicable to your pest problem or the types of products you may be considering using.

Ask Professor Pest Live Chat
What if you had immediate, real-time access to a pest control expert ready to answer your pest control questions? Our live online chat provides free support to help guide you through your pest control concerns so that you can make informed decisions along the way.
Not sure which products to use? Or whether you should consult a professional exterminator? We can help make sure you're not wasting time and money.

Resources for Pro PCOs
PC Everything is a division of Pest Control Analytic, which helps pest control companies around the world optimize efficiencies, improve profit margins, change company culture, and enhance their overall operation.
Our mission is simple: we exist to make pest control companies better. If your pest control operation isn't as good as it could be in any facet (and in our experience, no pest control company is as good as it could be across the board), we can help.

DIY Pest Control Resources
So you want professional pest control results without hiring a professional exterminating company? In some instances that may be practical, while in others...not so much.
PC Everything guides you through the process of deciding if it is in your best interest to tackle your pest problem on your own or head straight for a local professional. From instant access to professional-grade products to tips, tricks, and how-to-guides, you've come to the right place for all your pest control needs.
professional pco support

Pest Control Consulting
Through our parent company, Pest Control Analytic, we provide customized consulting services to pest control companies worldwide. Our mission is simple: we exist to make your pest control company better.

PC Content Management
PC Analytic specializes in targeted pest control content for pest control blogs, websites, newsletters, marketing materials, brochures, service agreements, insect ID sheets, service protocols, and more.

PCO State Regulations
PC Analytic provides access to pest control regulatory information and agencies to help make sure your company and employees remain compliant in policy, practice, and procedure.

Why PC Customers Cancel
Struggling with pest control customer cancellations? Pest Control Analytic examines the real reasons why residential customers stop their service and how companies can minimize this attrition.
Do Professionals Use Better Pesticides?
This is one of the most common questions asked by people weighing their pest control treatment options. While the answer to this question is often yes, the reality is in today's world of increasing accessibility, everybody has access to almost all of the same pest control products used by the pros. Even if most of these professional-grade pesticides are not readily available at the local hardware store, which they most often are not, online retailers like Amazon have made it possible to acquire these products with relative ease.
What many people fail to see, however, is the critical chasm that exists between being able to get their hands on professional pesticides and knowing what to do with them. Applying pest control products safely and effectively requires a certain level of understanding with respect to how different pests behave and how various chemical active ingredients are likely to impact them upon exposure. So when considering whether to do your own pest control or hire a professional exterminator, the consideration should be less about the products and more about the expertise.
No matter how good a particular pest control product may be, it will only be effective when applied appropriately.
pest products & reviews

Best Ant Products
Which ant control products on the market are the most effective in 2019? Our ant control expert Professor Pest shares tips and best practices for rapid ant elimination and ongoing protection.
What separates one ant bait product from the next? Are ant gel baits better than granular ant baits? Learn all about ant baits and shop for the best ant control product to handle your particular ant problem.

Best Mosquito Products
Tired of getting eaten alive by mosquitoes? Our mosquito experts provide insights and comparisons on which mosquito products and equipment work best for pest professionals and do-it-yourselfers.
From professional-grade application equipment to do-it-yourself tips and best practices, Pest Control Everything provides the information and access for you to make the most informed decisions about mosquito control efforts.

Best Roach Products
Cockroaches are no fun. Especially when they've invaded your home. Check Professor Pest's Roach Control Guide for everything you need to know about how to eliminate cockroaches fast.
Looking for the most effective cockroach products? From roach baits and powders, to sprays, aerosols, foams, traps, and insect growth regulators, Pest Control Everything has the resources you need to make your roach control treatment strategy a success.

Best Termite Products
While you're busy being you, termites are busy being termites. Around for over 100 million years, estimates suggest termites are responsible for more than $5 billion in structural property damages each year.
Fortunately, termite protection options have gotten a lot more advanced, and a lot more cost-effective. From conventional termite control products to easy to install termite monitoring systems, Pest Control Everything evaluates your alternatives to help you make sure your property remains adequately protected from becoming a termite feeding playground.

Best Bed Bug Products
Bed bugs suck. Literally...and figuratively. According to a January 14, 2019 press release from Orkin, Baltimore retained its distinction as the most bed bug infested city in America last year.
Rounding out the top 10 were: Washington DC, Chicago, Los Angeles, Columbus, New York, Cincinnati, Detroit, Atlanta, and Philadelphia.
Should you try to manage your own bed bug problem or head straight for a professional exterminator? That may depend on several factors. But we'll help you decide.

Best Rodent Products
One of the most important parts of any successively rodent elimination program is making sure you're staring with the right rodent control products for your particular situation.
Because rats and mice are managed differently, the same products probably won't be equally effective against both. We've looked into the best rodent traps, rodent poisons, rodent bait stations, and rodent deterrents to help make sure your rodent elimination program provides quick elimination of rats and mice and ongoing protection from future invasion

Best Flea Products
Dealing with fleas is never fun, but with a little bit of knowledge and access to the right products, flea elimination doesn't need to be overly stressful. Which kinds of products are best for managing fleas? We'll help you decide.
Effective flea control really boils down to the proper use of 2 main types of products: 1) a flea adulticide to kill adult populations of live fleas; 2) an IGR to prevent immature stages of fleas from advancing to adulthood.

Best Spider Products
As with many pests, spiders are best managed through a comprehensive, integrated pest management approach. Advanced spider populations are generally indicative of conditions within an environment that are conducive to their presence.
Sometimes, routine pest control measures designed to minimize general pest populations may be enough to reduce the presence of spiders. But sometimes a targeted spider control strategy is necessary.

Best All-Natural Products
The best all-natural pesticide products are ones that consistently do what they are intended to do. Because all-natural pesticides are not regulated the same as synthetic pesticide products, less verifiable information is often readily available.
For those wishing to stay away from synthetic pesticides in favor of all-natural products, we're able to provide some guidance to help make sure your all-natural pest control strategy has a high likelihood of success.