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Trebor Super Plugs, 1/2" (Pack of 250)

Trebor Super Plugs, 1/2" (Pack of 250)

Brand: APS


  • Super Plugs are made of tough, chemical resistant polyethylene for long life while retaining its tight seal to prevent vapor escape.
  • Patching hole of Termite Liquid Treatment and carpenter bees


Details: Super Plugs for patching hole of Termite Liquid Treatment and carpenter bees 250 Plugs (1 bag) Choose 9/16" for multi-fittable to 1/2", 9/16", 5/8" By using Super Plugs, the pesticide is forced to remain under the concrete, allowing a more thorough treatment, without the danger of liquid pesticides spilling in the structure or exposing the technician. Non-sealing plugs and even the existing sealing plugs will force up and out of the hole.

EAN: 6526976351006