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West Virginia Pest Control Regulations

West Virginia Pest Control Regulations

West Virginia Department of Agriculture

Pesticide Division

1900 Kanawha Boulevard

East State Capitol, Room E-28

Charleston, WV 25305-0170

P: (304) 558-3550 F: (304) 558-2203

Assistant Director - Grant Bishop:

Amy Monday - Administrative Assistant:

Patricia Sine - Office Asssistant:

West Virginia Department of Agriculture Pesticide Division Links & Forms

Application for Pest Control Commercial Applicator Exam Form
West Virginia Pest Control Company Certificate of Insurance Form
West Virginia Registered Pest Control Technician Application Form
West Virginia Pest Control Applicator Notice of Termination Form

West Virginia Registry of Pesticide Hypersensitive Individuals Application

Per the application: The Pesticide Control Act of 1990 authorizes the establishment of registry individuals who may have health sensitivity to drift of pesticides, which may occur because of pesticide application near an individual’s residence, or place of business. 

To be placed on the West Virginia registry, an individual must complete the Registry of Pesticide Hypersensitive Individuals Application. Upon receipt of the completed application, the name and address of the individual is recorded on the registry to be maintained by the West Virginia Department of Agriculture. The names of individuals on the registry are distributed, on a periodic basis, to all pesticide application businesses. The Health Sensitivity Registry is available by contacting the West Virginia Department of Agriculture. Businesses may then notify individuals listed on the registry before the application of pesticides when such applications might result in pesticide drift onto the health sensitive individual's property.

Notification to the health sensitive individual by a pesticide applicator is voluntary. The registry does not guarantee that pesticides will not be applied near your property. The registry provides the sensitive individual a link with the pesticide applicator and provides an early warning of imminent, nearby pesticide applications.